Open Models - Knowledge Base

[Base under construction, see roadmap]

The digital is a new world that we have only just begun to explore.

Due to its capacity for the free circulation of knowledge and large-scale collaboration, unique phenomena are taking shape: open models that form the epicentre of this digital revolution.

Omnipresent, we know almost nothing about them. Open models have already shaped the digital world and could tomorrow help transform society in the face of the crises of the Anthropocene by changing our relationship to knowledge.

The knowledge base on open models is intended as a digital common for mastering these new concepts: Open (Source) Software, Open Science, Open Education, Open Hardware, Open Data, Open Innovation, Open Standard, Open Organizationโ€ฆ

An openly accessible resource to dive into the digital of knowledge.

Knowledge of the base ๐Ÿ“–

The core of the base consists of a body of knowledge on open models.

Knowledge to discover these phenomena, their histories, develop a methodology for building digital commons, learn how these collaborative dynamics work to seek to make them your own!

A resource to acquire basic open models skills and being an active player in these universes.

Open models knowledge:

A list of resources on open models brings together a variety of useful links.

Workshop materials ๐Ÿ“š

Open model education takes many forms and reaches many audiences, a multitude of teaching materials can be created and reused. To help you set up activities, a whole range of open resources can be found on a page dedicated to materials for open models education workshops.

Roadmap ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

To set and understand the orientation of the community around the knowledge base, a roadmap shows the main axes of work defined.

A collective project, a collaboratively built digital common, open to contribution and hosted (temporarily ๐Ÿคž) on the non-open-source GitHub platform.

Contribute ๐Ÿœ

The digital commons are based on an entire culture of contribution. The contributions of each individual contribute to the prosperity of the whole, provided that the ecosystem around a project is able to include external players.

A contribution guide explains different ways to help on this project of knowledge base.

Many ways to participate in this democratization of open models!

Exchange with the community ๐Ÿคณ๐Ÿผ

The discussion space allows you to ask questions, go into more detail on certain points or simply chat with other members of the community โค๏ธ

Donโ€™t hesitate to share any open models related projects you may have over there, they could be of interest to others people!

Licenses โš–๏ธ

All resources in this knowledge base can be freely used, modified and shared for your own uses. Viral license, modifications/forks must be redistributed under CC BY-SA license.

Quotes to redirect to the base are appreciated!